
Picasso’s Dance of the Veils (1907) is quite an intriguing painting, as this was in a period of time where Picasso was still trying to figure out his painting styles. It is noticeable that what Picasso works on at this time is any early form of Cubism, as everything within the painting is much more geometric that his previous works. What truly stands out in this compared to Picasso’s other paintings, is that there are parallel lines all over the place, most likely to indicate shading. On the woman, these are placed where there would be shadows, to create dimension for the body. There are also presences of African influences, as the woman’s face resembles an African mask, with the long face and long, geometric nose, very similar to the women in his Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907). Judging by the name, there is a possibility that Picasso was influenced by either Oscar Wilde’s Salome, or other artists’ interpretations of Salome’s famously vague, Dance of the Seven Veils, first illustrated by Aubrey Beardsley. Compared to the works of impressionists, Picasso work more with the dynamics of shading, rather than where light would hit. However, both Picasso and other impressionists experiment with various colors, although impressionists put colors on top of each other for a more vibrant effect, while Picasso throws color in different spaces, almost to highlight the main focus of the painting. Either way, this strayed far away from both Impressionism and academic painting.


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